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Europrofiles – Privacy Policy

Europrofiles – Privacy Policy

Privacy is very important to us. We want to inform our (potential) customers, suppliers and business partners as much as possible, respect their privacy and control what happens to their data. Below you will find our policy regarding the collection, storage, use, communication and disclosure of your personal data. European Design Fitout T/A Europrofiles would like to emphasize that it is always trying to act in accordance with regulations for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.


This privacy statement applies to every visit to and use of the website www.europrofiles.com.au to all (commercial) relations (and the data exchange that may be associated with this) between Europrofiles and its (potential) customers, suppliers and / or business partners.


registered office at 1010/600 Botany Road Alexandria NSW 2015 is responsible for the processing of your personal data. The person responsible for the processing is the person who determines the purpose and the means (the ‘what’, the ‘how’ and the ‘why’) of the processing of the personal data.

European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles can be contacted by post at PO BOX 961 POTTS POINT NSW 1335 registered office address as above, phone 1800 371 182 or e-mail info@europrofiles.com.au

Specifically with regard to the privacy policy, the following persons may also be contacted:

Sheree Taylor – MD and Data Protection Coordinator info@europrofiles.com.au


Personal data is all data that makes it possible to identify someone. This includes, but is not limited to, data such as name, address, user-name, company name, e-mail address and telephone number, but also other information such as IP address, information about the business sector and so on.

The information we collect depends on the context of your interaction with us, the way in which you contact us and the information that you provide.

European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles limits at all times the amount of personal data that is requested to do what is necessary to provide a qualitative service.

The following personal data can be processed by us:

  • Information communicated by you when placing an order, when requesting a quote, when filling out the contact form on the website, when registering for any newsletter, when creating an account on www.europrofiles.com.au when visiting our offices or exhibition stand, when exchanging business cards or with any other form of contact (e.g. by telephone, e-mail, post, visiting, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter) or communicated by a commercial partner of in the context of a collaboration:
  • Contact details :
  • Name
  • First name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number (fixed/mobile)
  • Fax number
  • Residential address
  • Company address
  • Function and capacity
  • Company name


This data is collected for prospecting, customer and supplier management and the processing of orders and deliveries, including the preparation of a quotation, delivery or an order form. It is also used for accounting and invoicing as well as various functionalities on the website (download images, create a wish list …). This information can also be used for marketing purposes.

The legal ground for the processing of this personal data is the (potential) execution of an agreement. Providing the above personal information is a necessary condition to contact European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles and to possibly conclude an agreement. If you do not provide this information, it is impossible for European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles to contact you and thus enter into a contract.

When this data is used solely to communicate with European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles employees, the legal ground for this processing is the legitimate interest in offering high-quality customer service and product support.

If the personal data is also used for marketing purposes, the legal ground is either the legitimate interest of European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles to inform existing customers about relevant products or permission granted by the customer to receive marketing information. There will always be a possibility for the customer to unsubscribe.

When this personal data is used for our Hello Customer Platform, the legal ground is the legitimate interest of European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles to receive feedback on its products and services and thus to improve or optimize the service. Moreover, the option to unsubscribe is always offered.

  • References

Passwords and username when creating an account on www.europrofiles.com.au


This personal data is kept with a view to creating an account on European Design Fitout Pty Ltd www.europrofiles.com.au and with a view to the security of your account.

The legal ground for the processing of this personal data is the execution of an agreement as well as the legitimate interest of European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A it is impossible for European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles to create an account in a secure manner without this data. The communication of this information is therefore mandatory if you wish to create an account.

  • Information that is communicated when applying for a job: Curriculum Vitae


In order to process your application, it is necessary that you provide the above information. Failure to provide this information will result in European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles not being able to handle your application.

The legal ground for the processing of this personal data is the execution of an agreement and the legitimate interest of European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles to check the capacities and personal characteristics of the person concerned in function of the vacancy.

If the Curriculum Vitae contains special categories of personal data (such as nationality, health data, criminal records, national register number, data on sexual life, political opinions, membership of a trade union, …) then the legal ground for processing is permission from you for processing this data.

  • Data collected automatically when visiting the Website (Cookies)
  • IP address
  • Browser
  • Operating system
  • External website that referred to European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles
  • Pages on www.europrofiles.com.au that you have visited
  • Date and time at which you visited the pages on www.europrofiles.com.au


The use of Cookies is to make the website easily accessible and to improve the quality of the service.

The legal ground of this processing is based on permission. For more information about this please consult our ‘Cookie Policy’ (see below).


This personal data is collected in the context of:

  • Placing an order
  • Requesting a quote
  • Completing the contact form on the website
  • Registering for the newsletter
  • Creating an account
  • The exchange of business cards
  • Any other form of correspondence or contact (eg by telephone, e-mail, post, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook)
  • Visiting the website (via Cookies including Google Analytics, Hotjar feedback option)
  • A visit to European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles offices or exhibition stand
  • A collaboration with a commercial partner (official distributors, customers.


The personal data mentioned above is processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Prospect, customer and supplier management (draw up (potential) customer, partner and supplier lists)
  • Communication with the person concerned
  • Processing orders and deliveries
  • The preparation of a quotation, delivery or order form
  • Satisfaction survey
  • Accounting and invoicing
  • Making the website easily accessible
  • Qualitative services and optimization
  • Marketing purposes, including direct marketing
  • Applications

If European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles uses your personal data with direct marketing in mind, you always have the right to oppose this by means of a simple request (possibility to ‘unsubscribe’).

For each objective, the legal basis for processing can be one of the following:

  • Your free permission for the processing
  • In the context of the preparation or execution of a contract
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • When we have a prevailing legitimate interest, in which case we strive for a balance between that interest and respecting your privacy

If the legal basis of the processing is based on your free consent, you always have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This can be done through a simple request addressed to European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles via the contact details stated in this Privacy Policy under ‘Identity of the person responsible for the processing.’ We only collect and use your personal data for the above purposes unless we receive your unambiguous and free permission to use your personal data for other purposes or unless the processing is necessary to comply with an obligation imposed by a regulation, a law, a decree or decision.


Unless a longer retention period is required or justified (i) by complying with a limitation period or expiration period provided for by law or (ii) by complying with another legal obligation, your data will not be stored for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data has been collected, as described in this Privacy Policy under ‘Purposes of the processing’.


The processed personal data is only and in accordance with this Privacy Policy communicated to the following recipients:

  • Responsible for the processing and its subsidiaries
  • The person concerned
  • Processors, who are called upon for a specific assignment (eg. a mailing agency, IT service providers) or who act as commercial partners (official distributors, suppliers) The aforementioned processors act exclusively on behalf of European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles can submit the following guarantees regarding data processing by these processors:
  • European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles has made clear arrangements in its agreement with these third parties regarding the quality of the data processing in accordance with the obligations imposed by the relevant privacy legislation;
  • The third parties may only use the data for the purposes as determined by European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles and in accordance with this Privacy Policy; Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is possible that European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles must disclose your personal data:
  • To the competent authorities (i) when European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles is obliged to do so by law or in the context of legal proceedings and (ii) to indemnify and defend our rights
  • When European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles or almost all of its assets are taken over by a third party, in which case your personal data will be one of the transferred assets


As a person concerned you have a number of rights that you can exercise in respect of European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles. If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact us using the contact details described in this Privacy Policy under ‘Identity of the person responsible for processing.’

The rights you have are the following:

  • right of access no later than one month after receipt of the request
  • right of adjustment or rectification of wrong data
  • right to objection if you do not agree with the way we process your personal data
  • the right to transfer data, ie the right to obtain your personal data in a structured, current and machine-readable form in order to transfer it to third parties.
  • right to be forgotten (erasure)
  • right to restriction of processing

In principle, you can exercise these rights free of charge. For this you must send a request with a copy of your identity card to us, this to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of your personal data. If your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we can charge you a reasonable fee for the administrative costs associated with your request or we can refuse your request. Moreover, you can exercise these rights only once every six months.

In any case, we will always inform you of the follow-up given to your request within a period of one month at the latest.


All information is stored in a secure environment. This information is not accessible to the public. Within European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles only persons authorized to do so have access to the personal data, and only if that data is relevant to fulfil their assignment.


We ask people under the age of 16 not to communicate personal data to European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles unless consent has been obtained from parent (s) or guardian (s). If we discover that we have collected personal information from a person under the age of 16, we will delete this information as soon as possible.


If you disagree with the way European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles collects, uses and / or processes your personal data, you can of course contact us or submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.


European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, for example as a result of market evolutions and new processing activities. We therefore invite you to always consult the latest version of this policy on our website. Of course, we will inform you in advance via our websites or other current communication channels of any change in content and we ask you when the law requires your prior permission for our (new) processing activities.


European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles uses cookies on its website. This cookie policy (hereafter “Cookie Policy”) informs you as a visitor about the use of this cookie. You are not obliged to accept all cookies. Accepting cookies is not a condition for visiting the website. However, you run the risk that certain applications of our website will not function optimally when refusing cookies.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small (text) files. When visiting websites of European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles, small (text) files are saved on, or access is obtained to (earlier) European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles (text) files on your devices (computer, tablet, mobile phone etc). If you, as a user, surf the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookies can be retrieved by the website to inform the website of previous activities of the user. Cookies work as a kind of memory for the website.

Cookies can be placed by European Design Fitout Pty T/A Europrofiles itself (“first party cookies”) and by third parties (“third party cookies”). In addition, they can be temporary (“session cookies”, these cookies disappear when you close your browser session), or permanent (“permanent cookies”, these cookies are permanently placed on your device).

There are different types of cookies:

  • Many of the cookies, the so-called functional session cookies, are used to make your site visit go smoothly. For example, cookies are used to provide services or to save settings, such as storing your preferences, remembering and passing on information that you enter during the login process.
  • The strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are, as the name suggests, strictly necessary to enable you to surf the website, or to use certain functionalities.
  • There are also tracking cookies. These are cookies that track and trace your behavior on the website, to offer you, for example, personalized advertisements based on your surfing behavior.
  • Then there are the analytical cookies / performance cookies. These cookies are used to generate statistics on the surfing behavior of visitors to a website. In this way a more optimal user experience can be offered. For example, these cookies analyze the duration of visits, the number of visitors, the pages of the website that are most visited, the order, …
  • Finally, third party cookies exist. As indicated above, these are cookies that are placed on our website by third parties. For the cookies placed by these third parties, you should consult the relevant statements that these parties provide on their own websites.


European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles reserves the right to update this Cookie Policy and thus change it unilaterally. It is therefore recommended to regularly consult the website and this Cookie Policy. As soon as a new Cookie Policy takes effect, your consent regarding the use of cookies will be requested again.

BASKET Checkout 1 – Updated

Delivery time and additional information:

Delivery nationwide in Australia, we will arrange a quote for delivery on your behalf. Courier costs will be invoiced separately.

Call our Customer Service to arrange a quote for courier delivery 1800 371 182 / 0499017322

Damage: We recommend insurance on all freight, please see our Terms and Conditions

  1. Please check you have the right products and the right quantity (you can change the number in the 'Quantity' column and click 'Go' to see the new cost). Click the "x" button to delete anything completely.
  2. Ensure that the profile size is correct/fit for your purpose - all measurements given are METRIC
  3. Check you have ordered all necessary fixing materials and accessories, adhesive is sold only with products ordered.
  4. Checkout using secure Visa or MasterCard gateway payment systems.
  5. AMEX and Paypal payment options call 02 8310 5464 / 0499017322
    • Manual Payment

    European Design Fitout Pty Ltd T/A Europrofiles

    • National Australia Bank

    BSB: 082 356

    Account: 432713901

    Allow 2 working days for your payment to be received, to process your order immediately email a copy of the bank receipt to info@europrofiles.com.au

    • Checkout - Confirm Your Information : Step Three
    • The TOTAL to pay shown below now includes GST.

    Delivery will be quoted and invoiced separately please contact us for more details 1800 371 182 / 0499017322

    Small orders will be posted by either Standard or Express Mail 1-5 days to your requirements.

    House lots or orders over 2 metres long will be quoted and invoice separately, courier costs will depend based on dimensions, weight, postcode and delivery timeframes.

    Deliveries for regional areas will be handed over to the local partner agent.

    For Delivery Conditions and Refund Policy please refer to our Terms & Conditions

P O Box 961 POTTS POINT NSW 1335

Privacy Policy